People have been asking about honey lately. We do have honey that we have bought from Eden Acres (we also carry jams and jellies made by them). And, this honey is from hives in Upstate SC. As to our own honey we will have some later in the year. Unfortunately, I have some bad news about our bees.
The bees did not come through the winter too well this year. Out of the 13 hives we have we lost 8. Many people have asked me "why". Well, that's an answer a lot of people (besides me) want to know. The truth is there are several factors. There are some different pests that are affecting bees, pests that were not in the US ten years or so ago. Some diseases that have made they're way to the US. And, some evidence that new pesticides are part of the problem. We are working to build up our hives, looking into some new management techniques, and getting some hardier breeds of bees. Luckily the hives we have left are looking strong and healthy. Also, it seems that Spring is just not yet ready to start. The cold has kept the queens from really laying well and also there are less flowers right now. Most likely it will be June before we have any honey to extract. So, check back aroun
October 2017